You're a hero. Let us be your sidekick.

Batman had Robin, Sherlock had Watson. You deserve a sidekick too.
You’re helping vulnerable people live with dignity and overcome hardships.
We think that’s awesome, so we’re here to support what you do.

Social Service should be
about People NOT Busywork!

Our online software cuts inefficiencies and busywork, so you can focus on the most important and rewarding part of your job - helping others. We’ll help your Day Program, Community Employment Program, ILS and/or SLS program do more for less, and achieve better insights and outcomes.

Discover Case Magic

Join a community of leading service providers throughout California who use Case Magic to better serve more than 25,000 clients.


Everything is included at one low price

Connect Anywhere

Quickly and securely access your cases anytime you want, from anywhere you have an internet connection.

Report Faster

Easily generate ISPs, IHSPs, Behavior Plans and more. Track goal progress and outcomes in real time.

Go Paperless

Safely store your files in the cloud and avoid the waste and hassle that result from too much paper.

Track and Bill Services

Track and bill daily attendance, hourly services, supplemental services, transportation and more.

Generate Client Payroll

Track work activity and supported employment, and calculate productivity, pay, PTO and more.

Never Miss a Deadline

See the due status of paperwork, view due dates on a calendar, and receive alerts when things are due.

Keep Your Finger
on the Pulse

Generate demographic and management-information reports and graphs with the touch of a button.

Manage Staff Records and Training

Track staff info, as well as work and training hours. Know when CPR, 1st Aid and other items are due.

Go Mobile and Stay Connected

Access info, take notes and record activity in the field (or out on the floor) from your smart phone or tablet.

Happy Customers

What people are saying about Case Magic

FABULOUS!! GREAT!! With Case Magic the work is easier, more accurate and very efficient.

Mitzie Yodites

Executive Director

Basic Occupational Training

The most user-friendly product I have used, [and] the most professional and responsive team I have ever worked with. Have not had service support of this caliber ever!

Ruth Goodsell

Director of Client Services

Desert Arc

I love Case Magic. It's extremely user friendly and is better matched to the specific needs of our organization.

Wendy Forkas

Chief Operating Officer

Employment & Community Options

Case Magic is helping us to move forward to a parperless future. I can now look up data about our participants from any location. It is helping our direct care staff to be more precise in commenting about the progress on objectives.

Christine Daly

Executive Director

WATCH Resources

Michael and his team have been great to work with and helped us save paper and time for the clients we serve. Thank you!

Blake Sheehan

Case Manager

Arc Fresno/Madera

Case Magic is a great program, makes case management manageable and easy. Most tasks are now centralized, deadlines are tracked, generic letters can be generated. It is a time saving program for sure.

Jose M. Reyes

Dir. of Employment Services


Very user friendly. It has everything that our program needs in one location. Case Magic has the ability to be the number one top selling software without a doubt.

Denise Boochee

Case Manager

Vocational Improvement Program

Working with Michael and his team has been terrific... I consider them to be the most supportive, responsive team I have ever dealt with.

Kathryn Hebel

(former) Executive Director

Vocational Visions

Case Magic gives me quick access to information without having to search hard copy files in binders stored on the shelf. It's detailed, organized and all at your fingertips.

Michele Burnett

Job Developer

B.E.S.T. Opportunities

Made just for you

Case Magic is the only software specially designed for service providers in California. It’s flexible, extensible and can be customized to fit the unique needs of your organization. We’ll even integrate your company forms, reports and other documents right into the software.

Backed by Amazing
Customer Service

We’ve got the friendliest, most accessible and responsive support in the industry. Everyone on your team gets free access to customer support, and can ask a question or report a problem at any time.

Simple, affordable monthly pricing

Case Magic costs only $1 per month per open case. That’s it. You won’t be charged per user, or locked into those ridiculous annual contracts.
You simply pay each month as you go.

Contact Case Magic

Office Address
6605 Grand Montecito Pkwy, Suite 100
Las Vegas NV 89149

  (888) 905-7447

© Copyright 2011-2025 Case Magic. All Rights Reserved.